Who Else Wants to Earn Up to $500 Per Referral?
Just from sending a few emails!
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Thank you for considering promoting our new Forex trading platform called TIOmarkets.

We know you likely have a busy promotional schedule. So, we’re keen to make this worth your while.

That’s why we’re willing to pay you up to $500 for every qualified referral you send our way.

I’ll tell you what makes a ‘qualified’ referral in a moment. And I’ll tell you about those prizes too.

But first, let me tell you quickly about TIOmarkets, and about what kind of traffic we’re looking for.

TIOmarkets is the new White Knight in Forex trading.

Why do I say it’s a “White Knight”?

Because there are tons of scammers in Forex. And, like a White Knight, we’re riding in to save the day.

Allow me to be transparent …

We make a small fee on every trade. Somewhere between $0 and $6, depending on the trade and the subscription package your referral signs up for.  

That means we don’t make money on the spread. We don’t re-quote. And we don’t hunt for stop-losses.

If all that sounds Greek to you, just know that it means we don’t get involved in any dirty tricks.

What we do is to enable traders to connect to the Forex markets so they can place the trades they want to trade.

And there’s something else we do that just about no other company does ...

Our Traders Can Trade Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies Too
You see most Forex platforms allow traders to trade in traditional currencies. Currencies like the US dollar, the Euro, the British Pound, the Thai Baht, and more.

And all of our customers can use those same currencies to trade on our platform too.

But our traders can also trade cryptocurrencies. They can trade Bitcoin against Ethereum, for example. And they can trade Bitcoin against the Euro, for another example.

Including cryptocurrencies in our trading platform accomplishes a couple of things …
  • It opens up a new market for experienced Forex traders who can now trade Bitcoin and other cryptos.
  • It gives cryptocurrency investors who are sitting on their money a way to turn that crypto into big gains.
As a referral partner, this is also great for you too ...

How You Can Help Your Audience 
And Make Big Commissions At The Same Time
So, what we’re really looking for is 3 unique audiences:
  •    Experienced Forex traders who want to deal with a reputable broker. And who maybe want to start trading cryptos too. We have a great quiz funnel that’s perfect for this audience.
  •    Investors who are sitting on the sidelines with Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. These investors likely lost a lot of money when crypto crashed last year.  
  • Using that crypto to fund trading on our Forex platform is a way to help them try to recoup everything they’ve lost, and more.
  • Plus, we provide full training to get them up to speed on how to trade Forex.
  • We have a great special report funnel for this audience.
  •  Regular people looking for a new business opportunity. There are a lot of people out there who still don’t know what Forex is.
  • We can help educate them on Forex and get them trading. Using what they learn, hopefully they can quickly enhance their financial future.
  • We have a great quiz funnel to attract and convert this audience.
So, that’s 3 different audiences you can earn commissions on.

And, as you might expect, there’s 3 different funnels you can send them to, based upon whether your list is made up mostly of the A, B, or C groups I described above.

Once you register as an affiliate partner, you’ll be able to see all 3 of those funnels in action so you can decide which is best for your audience.
IMPORTANT: Citizens of the USA are NOT allowed to trade on the platform at this point in time. So, you will NOT get credit for any Americans that you refer.  

If you’re an American, you may promote. But you will NOT get credit for other Americans who attempt to buy through your links.

If this is unclear, please email our affiliate manager.
Here’s How You Earn Commissions
After you register as an affiliate, for free, we’ll set you up inside of our system. Then, we’ll send you your unique login to the affiliate tracking area.

Once inside the affiliate area, you’ll get access to 3 things…

  •    Your custom affiliate links to each of the 3 funnels. These are the links that make sure you get credit for the people that you refer to us. You can test them immediately and see the 3 funnels for yourself.
  •    Your email swipe copy. You’ll get access to 7 different promotional emails that you can send to your list. These emails were written by an A-List copywriter and they’re sure to get people on your list opening and clicking.  
  • All you have to do is choose which emails you want to send, drop in your affiliate links, and send the emails.  
  • Our funnels will do the rest (we use ‘sticky’ cookies that track your referrals all the way through).
  •  Your affiliate tracking dashboard. At anytime, you’ll be able to login and track your # of unique clicks and your # of unique registrations. So, you’ll never be left in the dark wondering how your promotional campaign is doing.
As you can see, all you have to do is email your list, and we’ll take care of the rest.

You’ll receive a referral commission of up to $500 for every referral who:

 - Registers for our platform (for free).

 - Fills out the simple Know Your Clients paperwork (this is standard and required on all trading platforms).

 - Funds their account.

 - Starts trading with TIOmarkets.
And, remember, all you have to do is use our email copy (or your own if you prefer) and get them to click your link.

Our funnels are optimized to take them from your click to fully registered, and funded - earning you a big commission.

If you’re ready to register as an affiliate now, and start making some money, click the button below:
Frequently Asked Questions
Is my list right for this promotion?
That depends. We are looking for 3 distinct groups: experienced Forex traders, Cryptocurrency investors, and business opportunity seekers.  

If your list includes people in any of those 3 groups, it probably makes sense to register and promote the program.

That said, if your list is mostly Americans, it might NOT make sense. Americans are currently not allowed to trade on our platform.
What do I have to do to earn affiliate commissions?
After you register, you’ll get access to an affiliate area that will show you exactly what to do. But, basically, you’ll use our email copy, insert your custom links, then hit send.
Is tracking provided?
Yes, full tracking is provided in the affiliate area.
Is this a multiple-tier affiliate program?
This is a 2-tier program. That means you can refer a sub affiliate to promote on your behalf. When you register for the program, you’ll get a special link to give the people you want to promote on your behalf.

We’ll track both tiers automatically. And you’ll make commissions on every referral your sub affiliate makes - over and above what we pay them.
When will I get paid?
You will get paid daily as long as you reach a minimum threshold of $50.
I have a question that hasn’t been answered here. Can I get help?
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